Voucher for obtaining certificates

Voucher for obtaining certificates

In 2024, the company Ferrocore d.o.o. received co-financing for eligible expenses through the Voucher for Obtaining Certifications.  The public call is being carried out as part of the European Cohesion Policy Program for the 2021–2027 period in Slovenia, under Priority 1 “Innovative Knowledge Society,” specific objective RSO1.3 “Strengthening sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs, and job … Read more

Ferrocore d.o.o. gained public funding

Ferrocore d.o.o. gained public funding in 2021 for appearances at international fairs. The operation was selected for co-financing in the Public tender for co-financing individual appearances of companies at international fairs abroad in the years 2019-2022. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. … Read more

Ferrocore received a subsidy

Ferrocore d.o.o. received a subsidy in 2019 following the public call »Vavčer za tržne raziskave tujih trgov«, the investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.